Showing 49–72 of 94 results

Knitted cord whistle (Шнур для свистка) M4-089-S

$ 10.0

This cord relied squad leaders.It was designed to hold the whistle, whereby, in a battle control unit signals are fed.Manufacturing of cords of other colors. The desired color is disclosed in the notes when ordering.

M1892 TENT ROPE (Веревка из палаточного набора (Zeltleine)) M4-020-S

$ 5.0

The rope length of two meters, the central component count and two wooden pegs – all worn in the bag for tent accessories.

M34 SADDLE BAG (RIGHT SIDE) (Седельная сумка-ранец, обр. 1934 г. (правая) (Packtaschen 34)) M4-043-S

$ 250.0

It is attached to the seat or worn as a backpack if the rider had to dismount from his horse and cross the countryside on foot.