Showing 73–144 of 154 results

Kamelbek (Камелбэк) M6-001-S

$ 30.0

Рюкзак для переноски запаса воды солдатом.Рюкзак без термопакета и шланга.

Knitted cord whistle (Шнур для свистка) M4-089-S

$ 10.0

This cord relied squad leaders.It was designed to hold the whistle, whereby, in a battle control unit signals are fed.Manufacturing of cords of other colors. The desired color is disclosed in the notes when ordering.

M1892 TENT ROPE (Веревка из палаточного набора (Zeltleine)) M4-020-S

$ 5.0

The rope length of two meters, the central component count and two wooden pegs – all worn in the bag for tent accessories.

M1909 AMMO POUCH (Ersatz) (Эрзац-сумка патронная обр. 1909 г. ) M2-055-S

$ 39.0

Ersatz – version of the cartridge bag of the First World War. It is a product made of “split” (a layer of natural leather, obtained in the process of tannery production after removal of the face layer), produced in order to save raw materials.

M1937 MOSIN RIFLE LEATHER AMMO POUCH (Ersatz) (Эрзац-сумка патронная к винтовке ‘Мосина’. ) M3-106-S

$ 40.0

Ersatz – version of the cartridge bag of the Second World War. It was a product from the “split” (a layer of natural leather, obtained in the process of leather production), produced in order to save raw materials.

MESS KIT M1936 (Котелок для приема пищи M1936) M3-030-S

$ 35.0

The original pot for soldiers eating food

Original soldier’s chest

$ 100.0

Original wooden chest, with lock and key, not large sizes. Found in the attic of an old house. A similar chest was available for every soldier of the Russian imperial army. In it he kept a razor, shaving brush, soap, warm clothes, removable underwear, letters and other personal items. The chests were both not painted and painted with paint of any color. There are also newspaper pictures and portraits of the emperor painted on the outside and decorated with newspaper pictures glued on the lid of the chest. Also on the lid of such a chest was supposed to stick an inventory of the contents, indicating the name of the owner, regiment number and company. The chest was kept under the soldier’s bed. In case of leaving for dismissal – he surrendered with a key to the captain army, and with the beginning of hostilities he followed the soldier in the wagon train.

Saddle pad for the cavalry of the Red Army (Вальтрап парадный для конницы РККА) M3-105-S

$ 70.0

Saddle pad – Cloth covered under the saddle.We used the Red Army cavalry during parades.

SLEEPING BAG (Спальный мешок) M4-076-S

$ 145.0

The original sleeping bag donated by Swiss customers was used in the manufacture.