Showing 73–84 of 84 results

Panzer blouse M1936 (Куртка бронетанковых войск М1936) M4-087-U

$ 100.0

This model of the tank jacket was modified in 1936 from the previous model of the 1934 model. The difference is the addition of buttons on the starboard side, which can be buttoned on the left side in cold weather jackets.

A shirt,a tie and shoulder straps are not included in the cost of the product.

Tunic Field Division of the Polish troops to them. Kosciuszko (Китель полевой для военнослужащих Польской дивизии им. Костюшко) M5-003-U

$ 120.0

The place of the formation of the division was selected Seletskii military camp near Ryazan. The division commander was appointed Colonel Zygmunt Berling. The structure of the division includes 1, 2, 3rd infantry regiments, the 1st Regiment of Light Artillery, 1st Tank Regiment, battalion antitank artillery battalion of them women. E. Plater and a squadron of fighter aircraft. After three months of training on July 15, 1943, the anniversary of the Battle of Grunwald, the 1st Division took the oath and received the flag.

Tunic for commanders M1943 (Китель суконный для комначсостава обр. 1943 г. ) M3-091-U

$ 160.0

Khaki tunic of cloth fabric with brass buttons. Used junior and senior officers on a daily basis both in the ranks and off duty. We manufacture all types of troops. Color edge disclosed in the notes when ordering.Button on the shoulder straps included.

Tunic mountain rifle units of the Red Army (Китель горно-стрелковых частей РККА) M3-124-U

$ 160.0

Soldiers of mountainous units during the war had uniforms and equipment, developed back in the 1920s-1930s. Uniforms should not have hampered the movement of soldiers in the mountains. The uniform was supposed to be solid, free and warm.