Chevron commanders and troops of the NKVD M1935 (gilded) (Нарукавные знаки различия комначсостава органов и войск НКВД обр. 1935 г. (в позолоте)) M3-175-Z

$ 25.0

Stars golden color – wearing a chain of command from the Commissioner of State Security 1 rank (rank 1 commander of the NKVD) to major security (Brigade Commander of the NKVD).

Chevron commanders and troops of the NKVD M1935 (silver) (Нарукавные знаки различия комначсостава органов и войск НКВД обр. 1935 г. (в серебре)) M3-176-Z

$ 25.0

Stars silver color – wearing chain of command from the captain of State Security (NKVD colonel) to Lieutenant of State Security (NKVD captain).

COLLAR TABS M40 ON SHIRT CADET (School of the border troops of the NKVD) (Петлицы гимнастерочные курсантов военных училищ образца 1940 г. (пограничные войска НКВД)) M3-165-Z

$ 8.0

Introduced by the order of the NKVD on April 20, 1940.Cancel the order of People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 126 from February 18, 1943.Sew on the collar of his shirt soldier.

Emblems M35/45 (internal and border troops of the NKVD) (Эмблемы рода войск обр. 1940-1945 гг. (ВВ и погран. войска НКВД)) M3-060-Z

$ 3.0

Until 1943, worn on the lapels privates and commanding staff of internal troops and border troops of the NKVD. And since 1943, it was attached to the officer’s field and everyday straps and shoulder straps everyday soldiers, sergeants and cadets of military schools of the NKVD.

Emblems militia M1936. (Эмблемы милиции обр. 1936 г. ) M3-238-Z

$ 10.0

ReplicaAttached to the collar tabs of soldiers and commanders.

Epaulets employee rail transport in rank – brigadier M1943 (Погоны работника железнодорожного транспорта в звании – бригадный. ) M3-380-Z

$ 12.0

The shoulder straps of the railway workers, from 1943 to 1954, (according to the order of the NKPS No. 711 / and of September 13, 1943), in appearance resembled epaulettes. The railway workers themselves called them “balalaikas” because of their resemblance to a musical instrument.

Epaulettes of a railway worker in rank – 1st rank technician M1943 (Погоны работника железнодорожного транспорта в звании – техник 1-го ранга. ) M3-384-Z

$ 12.0

The shoulder straps of the railway workers, from 1943 to 1954, (according to the order of the NKPS No. 711 / and of September 13, 1943), in appearance resembled epaulettes. The railway workers themselves called them “balalaikas” because of their resemblance to a musical instrument.

Epaulettes railway workers in rank – Senior Brigadier M1943 (Погоны работника железнодорожного транспорта – старший бригадный) M3-381-Z

$ 12.0

The shoulder straps of the railway workers, from 1943 to 1954, (according to the order of the NKPS No. 711 / and of September 13, 1943), in appearance resembled epaulettes. The railway workers themselves called them “balalaikas” because of their resemblance to a musical instrument.

Epaulettes railway workers in rank – Technician 2nd rank M1943 (Погоны работника железнодорожного транспорта в звании – техник 2-го ранга. ) M3-383-Z

$ 12.0

The shoulder straps of the railway workers, from 1943 to 1954, (according to the order of the NKPS No. 711 / and of September 13, 1943), in appearance resembled epaulettes. The railway workers themselves called them “balalaikas” because of their resemblance to a musical instrument.

Epaulettes railway workers in rank – Technician 3rd Grade M1943 (Погоны работника железнодорожного транспорта в звании – техник 3-го ранга. ) M3-382-Z

$ 12.0

The shoulder straps of the railway workers, from 1943 to 1954, (according to the order of the NKPS No. 711 / and of September 13, 1943), in appearance resembled epaulettes. The railway workers themselves called them “balalaikas” because of their resemblance to a musical instrument.

Epaulettes railway workers M1943 (Погоны рядового работника железнодорожного транспорта) M3-379-Z

$ 10.0

The shoulder straps of the railway workers, from 1943 to 1954, (according to the order of the NKPS No. 711 / and of September 13, 1943), in appearance resembled epaulettes. The railway workers themselves called them “balalaikas” because of their resemblance to a musical instrument.

Shoulder straps militiaman NKVD M1943 (Погоны милиции НКВД обр. 1943 г. (рядовой)) M3-287-Z

$ 10.0

Введены приказом Народного Комиссара внутренних дел № 126 от 18 февраля 1943 года. Носятся на гимнастерке, кителе и шинели.

Shoulder straps militiaman of the NKVD M1943 (lance sergeant) (Погоны милиционера НКВД обр. 1943 г. (младший сержант)) M3-301-Z

$ 10.0

Approved by the Commissioner of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 126 from February 18, 1943.Are worn on the shirt, jacket or overcoat.

Shoulder straps militiaman of the NKVD M1943 (senior sergeant) (Погоны милиционера НКВД обр. 1943 г. (старший сержант)) M3-303-Z

$ 10.0

Approved by the Commissioner of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 126 from February 18, 1943.Are worn on the shirt, jacket or overcoat.

Shoulder straps militiaman of the NKVD M1943 (sergeant major) (Погоны милиционера НКВД обр. 1943 г. (старшина)) M3-304-Z

$ 10.0

Approved by the Commissioner of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 126 from February 18, 1943.Are worn on the shirt, jacket or overcoat.

Shoulder straps militiaman of the NKVD M1943 (sergeant) (Погоны милиционера НКВД обр. 1943 г. (сержант)) M3-302-Z

$ 10.0

Approved by the Commissioner of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 126 from February 18, 1943.Are worn on the shirt, jacket or overcoat.

Shoulder straps senior militiaman of the NKVD M1943 (Погоны старшего милиционера НКВД обр. 1943 г. (ефрейтор)) M3-300-Z

$ 10.0

Approved by the Commissioner of Internal Affairs of the USSR № 126 from February 18, 1943. Are worn on the shirt, jacket or overcoat.