Showing 19–36 of 100 results

Chevron commanders and troops of the NKVD M1935 (silver) (Нарукавные знаки различия комначсостава органов и войск НКВД обр. 1935 г. (в серебре)) M3-176-Z

$ 25.0

Stars silver color – wearing chain of command from the captain of State Security (NKVD colonel) to Lieutenant of State Security (NKVD captain).

COMBAT ENGINEER SIGNALS PERSONNEL’S TRADE BADGE (Нарукавный знак связиста саперных частей) M4-156-Z

$ 5.0

Chevron junior staff communication services. Color lightning corresponds to the combat arm. We manufacture all types of troops.


$ 10.0

The inscription on the tape “Stab HSNH” (Heeres Schule für Nachrichten Helferinnen). She wore her female signaller and school faculty assistants-communication svyazistok. One such school is in Giessen, the second in Zossen.

DRK PERSONNEL’S TRADE BADGE (Шеврон DRK (Hoheitsabzeichen Armdreieck)) M4-107-Z

$ 5.0

Chevron embroidered machine sposobom.Shevron DRK was worn on top of the right sleeve uniforms. At the bottom of the chevron specified area from which the owner was called to the service.

GEFREITER’S RANK CHEVRON (Шеврон ефрейтора (Gefreiter)) M4-023-Z

$ 10.0

This chevron, with lace on a dark green field, was inducted into the German army in 1921 and was originally designated the title – “the senior shooter.” From 1936 to 1945 he designated the title – “Corporal”.

GEFREITER’S RANK CHEVRON M1944 (Шеврон ефрейтора обр. 1944 г. (Gefreiter)) M4-123-Z

$ 10.0

his chevron, with lace on the field of color “feldgrau” in the German army came to the middle of 1944, when the material resources of the country more and more exhausted. Often you can find the same color gefrayterskoy stripe with the color of his uniform, and Alluminum galloon is sometimes replaced by a light gray silk braid. This was done only because Exclusion desired fabric and braid.

INFANTRY SIGNALS PERSONNEL’S TRADE BADGE (Нарукавный знак связиста пехоты) M4-151-Z

$ 5.0

Chevron junior staff communication services. Color lightning corresponds to the combat arm. We manufacture all types of troops.

JÄGER’S SIGNALS PERSONNEL’S TRADE BADGE (Нарукавный знак связиста егерей) M4-154-Z

$ 5.0

Chevron junior staff communication services. Color lightning corresponds to the combat arm. We manufacture all types of troops.

MEDICAL PERSONNEL’S TRADE BADGE (Нарукавный знак санитара) M4-180-Z

$ 5.0

In order to release military personnel performing certain tasks, a special system has been developed chevrons. Wearing their supposed soldiers have certain skills or specialty and rank below the lieutenant.This chevron worn on the right sleeve orderlies.

MOUNTAIN TROOP SIGNALS PERSONNEL’S TRADE BADGE (Нарукавный знак связиста горных стрелков) M4-153-Z

$ 5.0

Chevron junior staff communication services. Color lightning corresponds to the combat arm. We manufacture all types of troops.